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Prices are determined on a project basis with an advance of 25% on total
project fee ranging from 10% - 20% of benchmarked salary.

Fees are negotiated based on salary, experience level, job title and incentives. 

Example:  Senior Digital Marketing Manager with an expected salary of $110K - Hybrid role 
Proposed Fee: $13K with an advance retainer of $3250
* 3 month exclusivity is required


Canididate Referrals

Entry level: 0 - 5 year professional  $1500
(for salaries up to 50K)

Mid-level 6 - 10 year professional  $2000
(for salaries 51K - 85K)
Senior-level  10+ year over 50K $3000
(for salaries 85K - 149K) 
Executive 10+ year over 150K $5000

Outplacement / Private Coaching

Résumé Consult:  $250

         LinkedIn Profile Review:  $175

One hour Consulting: $125/hour
*Paid in full in advance

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